From our Art Studio
Creative time can be spent together in our common room depending on demand and the weather, usually once or twice a week together with Berta at 5 pm. By creating something new, experimenting with shape and colour, we come in contact with our subconscious and our own creative inner self. Take advantage of this unique and wonderful experience while on holiday here with us, and enjoy the pure bliss of being creative.
The following programmes are available:
- make felt art with sheep's wool, i.e. create a felt-stone
- create decorative mirrors, i.e. adventure mirror
- Schann oil shale creations
- listen to fairy-tales and get creative
- painting techniques with acrylic, aquarelle and chalk
- we are also open and interested in new ideas
Further exciting ideas:
- build a damn and stone-figures at the Rammlesbach stream
- make a camp-fire with Gerhard at the Rammlesbach stream